How Do You Maintain The Net?


Seek: Stay Equipped, Empowered, Kingdom focused! 

Can you believe that we are entering the last week of February already?  When you hear that time is sped up believe that it is so.  Do you ever remember such a swirl of happenings as we see daily in the news?  In your lifetime do you remember such recurrent cataclysmic weather events?  Now is certainly the time to walk ever close to Jesus and let Him guide your every step.

How Long Have You Toiled?

What better time than the Lenten season to “launch out into the deep” with the Lord?  Luke 5:4 tells us that Jesus spoke to Simon, “Launch out into the deep and let down your nets for a catch.”  But Simon answered and said to Him, “Master, we have toiled all night and caught nothing; nevertheless at Your word I will let down the net.”  After following the Lord’s prompting so many fish were caught that the nets were breaking and the boats were sinking under the weight.

Have you ever felt the Lord leading you to step forward into deeper waters with Him?  Did you respond with your perceived facts of the situation that would negate what He was telling you?  I know I have done just that in my life.  “But, God, are you aware that (fill in the blank) is the situation which by all natural indications cannot be altered or reversed?

The Exponential Effects of Obedience

“Nevertheless” Simon does what Jesus tells him to do despite all his human efforts that thus far had failed.  The result is a harvest of huge proportion and in verse 11 we read, “So when they had brought their boats to land, they forsook all and followed Him.” Simon’s obedience to follow what Jesus told him to do forever changed his life and the lives of those fishing with him.  They became the first disciples of Jesus Christ and went on to eternally affect the lives of countless others.  They became fishers of men for the Kingdom of God.

The Functions of a Net

Simon and those fishing with him knew the importance of maintaining their nets and casting them into hopefully abundant waters. The net of a fisherman catches and contains fish (nourishment).  Open to receive, the nets must be kept mended so the catch does not escape. If not properly maintained a net can also block something from entering altogether.  If you cast your net into worldly waters you can easily become entangled in things of the world.  You can block the things of the Spirit of God.  Your life can be so intertwined with ungodly people, places and things that over time you may not even recognize your own life. 

However, if you cast your net into the deeper waters of the Kingdom of God, over time your life will become ordered.  Your net will remain ever mended.  Your net will be ready to catch God’s best for you.  Your life will blossom and become more than you could ever think or imagine to be possible.  The sustenance that you catch will in turn go forth to nourish others.

How Is Your Net Positioned?

Is your net open to catch or is it in need of repair?  Is your net hindering the new thing that God wants to do in your life?  Do not hold tight to your net or what you think a situation should look like.    Never hold so tight to what you see around you that you forget that God is God and He alone is in control. 

We are in a time of quickly changing events on all levels.  This is the time to get close to Jesus and go deeper with Him.  Let Him fill your net with His never-ending love, grace, peace, provision and protection.

If you do not feel that the Lord speaks directly to you, know that He does.  Read the Bible for this is His Word to you.  Believe what you read for this is His promise to you.  “Launch out into the deep and let down your net[s] for a catch.”  Let it down and catch the new thing for this season. Receive His awaiting provision for you.

A Prayer Request

Thank you for your continued faithfulness to pray.  Please keep all who serve our country, our servicemen and women and their families in prayer for salvation and safety.  They are our frontline on the battlefield, let us be their frontline in the spirit.  Also, let us cover all who have come home wounded that they and their families will receive the kindness, help and support they need to go forward in their lives.  God bless all our diplomatic and military personnel and their families.  Please pray for all in authority over us, for the full truth to come forth concerning Benghazi, for all affected by recent devastating weather conditions and for safety in Israel.  Pray that God will have His hand on all Cabinet appointments.  May God richly bless the United States of America and keep her safe.  May we may arise united in this auspicious season in our country’s history.

My Prayer for You

Father I thank You that You touch my friend reading this with Your love and with Your peace.  Draw them into the deeper waters with You, Jesus.  Help them to loosen the grip on their net that may have become entangled in the things of the world.  Lead them to release any person, place or thing that is not from You and grant them the grace to catch the fullness of Your harvest in their life.  Disciple them so they can disciple others for Your glory. Grace them to forsake all and follow You in Jesus’ name.  Amen and amen.