“For Such a Time as This!” Esther 4:14-Never Forget Who & Whose You Are!

“For Such a Time as This!”

Esther 4:14

So very many people of all ages today are challenged with various chronic conditions…some disorders are visible yet countless are not.  As you journey through your own life, if you or a loved one have such challenges know that God walks every step with you.  You are never alone.

If you are blessed with good health be very grateful.  Live in thanksgiving for that blessing.   Whatever your particular circumstance, walk in the grace and compassion of Jesus Christ.  There is so much bullying today.  Sadly, that behavior is not just among children. 

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Daily Inspiration-Life is a Journey!


Life is a journey.  Some places are just stop-overs.  Some require a longer stay.  And some are of a more permanent nature.

Whatever your situation, make the most of it.  Seek the beauty.  Enjoy the scenery.

Each situation brings its own lessons.  Grow from them.  Let them make you a better person. Let Christ be your strength.

For it is written:

“Not that I speak from want, for I have learned to be content in whatever circumstances I am.  I know how to get along with humble means, and I also know how to live in prosperity; in any and

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Daily Inspiration-Are You Living In Abundance?


Are you living in abundance?  Jesus came to give you life more abundantly.  Sadly, many think this simply means the abundance of earthly things such as money, big cars, fame, a big house or material things.

The abundance He speaks of includes the indwelling of the Holy Spirit which produces the fruit of love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness.  The abundance He speaks of softens your heart (for it is always a heart issue) and lets His compassion flow through you to others.  His abundance is most notable in being able to rest in His peace despite what is

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Daily Inspiration-Magnify!


God is amazing!

Just pay attention and stay open.  Then, you will see His hand blessing you throughout your day.  Heaven-sent blessings can be found in the humblest moments.  Simplify your expectations.

Let God be God.

Let’s magnify the Lord every day and walk in His glory!

For it is written:

“Oh magnify the Lord with me, and let us exalt his name together.”

Psalm 34:3

Stay Equipped, Empowered, Kingdom focused! ©

Remember, it is always a heart issue!





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Daily Inspiration-Are You Free Indeed?


Many are consumed with things they have heard, read or been taught.  They sadly have lost the ability to be open to anything new that does not fit into the box of their comfort zone.  Being so restrained can keep you imprisoned emotionally, physically and spiritually.

Jesus came to set free those held captive within the confines of religious doctrine or words spoken over them.  If you are living bound by the doctrine or words of man on any level, seek Him.  So many live far beneath what Jesus died to give His followers.

Arise “for such a time as

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Daily Inspiration-Wherein Lies Your Strength?


When facing a challenging situation it is well to remember that every circumstance is subject to change.

For it is written:

“His anger is but for a moment, His favor is for life; weeping may endure for a night, but joy comes in the morning.”

Psalm 30:5

Lament if and when you must but then move on and release whatever person, place or thing brought you to your knees.

Kneel before Him.

Release all that is not of Him.

Diligently seek Him.

Rise up in the joy of the Lord for therein lies your strength!

Stay Equipped, Empowered, Kingdom focused!

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Daily Inspiration-Cast Your Cares!


Whatever your struggle may be, do not carry it alone.

For it is written:

“Cast all your care upon Him; for He cares for you.”

1 Peter 5:7

Cast it all!

Stay Equipped, Empowered, Kingdom focused! ©

Remember, it is always a heart issue!





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Daily Inspiration-Do You Want To Be Made Whole?


It is in the brokenness that you are made whole.


At the pool of Bethesda, in the story of the man who had been infirm for thirty eight years, you can only imagine the brokenness he experienced during that time.

He says he has no one.

Have you ever been abandoned by friends or family as you walked through a long challenge? Some may come along side you initially but few if any stay for the entire journey. Such is life.

Yet, this man continued to believe

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Daily Inspiration-Do Not Miss The Gift of Today!


Look at each day as a gift:

God’s Infinite Favor Today!

Make the most of the time you are given.

Bring peace to the lives of those around you.

For it is written:

“Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of God.”


Matthew 5:9

Stay Equipped, Empowered, Kingdom focused! ©

Remember, it is always a heart issue!





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Daily Inspiration-The Sound of a Beautiful Melody!


While perusing my favorite thrift shop, I came upon a beautiful music box.

It is fine porcelain.

The colors are soft.

They cast a gentle sense of peace.

The music box did not work but I brought it home anyway.

Taking it apart I was thrilled to be able to fix it!

However, when it played before I put the cover back on it; it was so soft it could barely be heard.

I carefully put it back together and tried it again.

A most beautiful sound emanated!

 I could not help but think that we are much like that

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