Daily Inspiration-Who’s Got the Wheel?

The first month of the year sets the foundation for your year ahead.  It is the first fruits of your year.  Many fast during January to hear God for direction.  Many dedicate the year to Him.  Many resolve to create change through making long lists of New Year’s resolutions.  Usually, in short order, all is forgotten and life returns to whatever it was last year.

Fasting, dedicating and resolving are good but it is really what is at the heart of all these things that is important.  If doing these things by rote each year or because your church is

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Are You Ready for the New Year?

Happy New Year

Step into the New Year

With a Clean Heart!

In just a few days 2014 will begin a new year filled with opportunities and unknown gifts.  Resolutions are made with great intention and often abandoned in less than a month.  I read a statistic this morning that only 8% of New Year resolutions are kept.  Must admit this is much lower than I expected.  In the coming days there can be a holiday let down.  Weeks of planning, running to and fro, meals with family and friends come to a screeching halt.  Decorations are put away for another year and … Read the rest

Revolutionize Your New Year’s Resolutions!


Blessings this second Sunday in January!  Have you honed in on what tone you are setting for 2013 during this first month?  The first month is so important as it is full of promise and expectation for the coming year.  Don’t just ‘resolutionize’ your plan with time worn resolutions you have never kept.  This year ‘revolutionize’ your focus.  Establish and set a Kingdom-centered plan for 2013 that will shift you from worldly drudgery to Godly unction.

Temple Maintenance

Am I saying not to set any goals to maintain a healthy weight, get enough sleep and exercise regularly?  … Read the rest

The Dawn of the New Year


We stand at the threshold of the New Year.  If events of the passing year have knocked you down and left you seated determine to stand.   Now is the time to let go of the pain and disappointment of 2012.  Prepare to go forward into a season bright with possibility and hope for the future.  Although the landscape of your life may have changed in ways you would not have chosen know that God is with you and He has His hand on your life.

You Are Not Alone

Jesus assures us in Matthew 28:20b, “…and Read the rest