Shabbat Shalom!

Shabbat (Sabbath) means to be refreshed, to be given new life and energy. Shalom is God’s perfect peace. Shalom is the absence of agitation and discord.

Reveal Yourself, Lord, and spread over us the tabernacle of Your peace.

Let the earth shine with Your glory!

In Yeshua’s name, Shabbat Shalom!


Please join us in prayer:

Please keep our military and their families in prayer. Their life is a life of service to keep us all free and safe.

SEEK: Stay Equipped, Empowered, Kingdom focused! ©

Remember, it is always a heart issue!

For it is written:

“Yet who

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Short Takes…For Such A Time As This! Esther 4:14


Dear Prayer Warriors,

For those of you who are not on certain Social Media sites, I publish “Short Takes” every day.   Below are the takes for last week.  Also are included links to short posts “From the Archives of Esther’s Warriors Ministry.”   I pray they bless you  and keep you striving toward a full Kingdom walk ‘for such a time as this!’

God Bless,


 ~Sow in the valley.  Do not build in it.

~Step back.  Hedge yourself.  Tighten your boundaries.

~Speak ONLY life and victory for that will usher in destiny.

~Stand strong before My altar.  Do not falter. 

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Please Join Me in Prayer for the Coming Week

Dear Prayer Warriors,

Let Us Come in Agreement:

Father God, we come before You today with heartfelt thanks for all You are to each of us.  Your faithfulness knows no bounds.  Your grace is limitless.  Your compassion is immeasurable.

This week lead and guide each of us in the direction You would have us walk.  Through Your Holy Spirit, equip us and anoint us to carry Your message of love and hope to a dying world.  Let us be Your hands and feet each day.

Let us never forget who You are and who we are in You.  We offer

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Daily Inspiration-Who’s Got the Wheel?

The first month of the year sets the foundation for your year ahead.  It is the first fruits of your year.  Many fast during January to hear God for direction.  Many dedicate the year to Him.  Many resolve to create change through making long lists of New Year’s resolutions.  Usually, in short order, all is forgotten and life returns to whatever it was last year.

Fasting, dedicating and resolving are good but it is really what is at the heart of all these things that is important.  If doing these things by rote each year or because your church is

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Please Join Us As We “Pray the States!”- Illinois


Pray for the United States of America

‘Pray the States!’

In Esther’s Warriors Ministry, we began in 2012 ‘praying the states’ for healing for our Nation.   Queen Esther went before the king to intercede for her people.    We go before the King to intercede for our Nation ‘for such a time as this’ (Esther 4:14).  We pray for each state in the order of admission to the Union and will continue.  Our Nation more than ever needs consistent, diligent prayer cover state by state.

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Daily Inspiration-Do Not Miss The Gift of Today!


Look at each day as a gift:

God’s Infinite Favor Today!

Make the most of the time you are given.

Bring peace to the lives of those around you.

For it is written:

“Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of God.”


Matthew 5:9

Stay Equipped, Empowered, Kingdom focused! ©

Remember, it is always a heart issue!





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Daily Inspiration-Whatever Things Are Lovely!


You have but one life to live.

Forgive readily.

Bless others.

Look forward with anticipation.

Be thankful for all you have.

Seek what is good.

For it is written:

 Finally, brethren, whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report, if there is any virtue and if there is anything praiseworthy—meditate on these things.”

Philippians 4:8

Stay Equipped, Empowered, Kingdom focused! ©

Remember, it is always a heart issue!




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Daily Inspiration-You Are Not A Label!


Everyone has challenges.

Even though a particular challenge has the same label for all afflicted, the manifestation is as unique as each individual.

Always remember:  You are not your challenge;  You are not the label;  You are not only that.

For it is written:

“You have hedged me in behind and before, and laid Your hand upon me…I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; marvelous are Your works, and that my soul knows very well.”

Psalm 139:5, 14

Always remember that the same God who fashioned you and formed you in your mother’s womb is the

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Daily Inspiration-And The Greatest Is Love!


Hopefully, you grow and mature through the different stages of your life.

What you used to do becomes not so necessary anymore.

Your tastes and the things you enjoy shift with each season.

Embrace and grow gracefully through the seasons of your life.

For it is written:

“When I was a child, I spoke and thought and reasoned as a child. But when I grew up, I put away childish things. Now we see things imperfectly, like puzzling reflections in a mirror, but then we will see everything with perfect clarity. All that I know now is partial and incomplete,

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Do You Flow in Abundance or Lack?


Fruits of Summer


We are in the time of summer harvest of fruits and vegetables to grace our tables with fresh food.  A favored fruit is the watermelon with its rich color and succulent sweet taste.  Watermelon is a welcome addition to many summer gatherings.  Young and old alike enjoy this tasty treat on a hot summer day.

What Do You See?

When looking at this plate of watermelon I could not help but think of the abundance of summer.  Does your life reflect abundance or lack?  Do you see through a lens of more than enough or never … Read the rest