Bloom Where You Are Planted!

Bloom Where You Are Planted

Bloom In The Fullest

Your Destiny Awaits!

 I pray this finds you well.  May 2 is the National Day of Prayer.  If at all possible attend a prayer meeting near you.  Now more than ever before our country needs to be saturated in prayer.  It is a blessing to join with others at these meetings across denominational lines to pray for America.  If you cannot attend at least set aside some extra time to pray strategically for our country on that day that your prayers will join with others ascending to the throne room of God.

Spring Is Manifested!

I spent the last week in Pennsylvania as the trees bloomed and flowers were sprouting up all over.  It was a plethora of color at every turn.  Many in the northeast had been wondering if winter would ever end.  This year winter seemed extra-long.  The calendar may have said spring but in the natural there was little evidence to be seen in much of the country.

Have you ever been in a life season that you felt may never end?  Did it seem like a long desolate winter?  Perhaps you are in such a season now. Know that every season ends and a new season does begin.  It is all in God’s timing and cannot be hurried along.  In His infinite wisdom He prepares you for each season.  Some preparation takes longer and seems quite difficult at the time.  Know that preparation is just that.  It is a period of time in which God is getting you ready for the next assignment He has for you.

Walking Through Difficulty

What do you do when you are in a hard place?  When I was in college many years ago I bought a little magnet that is in my kitchen today.  It is bright orange and yellow and simply says, “Bloom Where You Are Planted.”  I do not know about you but sometimes I have not been thrilled with where I have been planted.  I have purposed to bloom in spite of seemingly stifling situations but it was not easy.  The important thing here is not to get stuck.  In life there are times that try you but God will always walk you through to the other side if you let Him.

Murmuring and complaining can only serve to impede your progress.  The Israelites took 40 years to make a journey that should have taken only a matter of days in the natural.  God provided for them in every way yet they complained nonstop.  So, their trip was extended.  Take a moment to think about a difficult season in your life.  It could be right now or in the past.  Did God cover your needs?  I am not talking about your ‘wants’ here but rather your needs.  I suspect He did.

Embrace His Will, Release Yours

The attitude you go through something with is of utmost importance.  God looks for a heart (and it is always a heart issue) filled with thanksgiving despite circumstances.  If you are planted in a rocky place, bloom anyway.  If you feel trapped where you are planted, bloom anyway.  If you feel overwhelmed or about to give up, bloom anyway.  If things are not as you would design them, bloom anyway.  Do not ever let anyone or any situation keep you from being the very best that God created you to be.  As you live your best ‘anyway’ you impact those around you and help them to bloom at their very best.

You are fearfully and wonderfully made.  You are blessed to be a blessing to others.  God has a glorious plan for your life.  Step aside and let His plan unfold for you.  Leave the gloom and doom and the murmuring and complaining behind.  Spring forth in this spring season.  Bloom where you are planted and see the wondrous works of God in your life.

Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.”  Jesus. (Matthew 6:10b)

“...nevertheless not as I will, but as you will“. Jesus. (Matthew 26:39 b)

A Prayer Request

Thank you for your continued faithfulness to pray.  Please keep all who serve our country, our servicemen and women and their families in prayer for salvation and safety.  They are our frontline on the battlefield, let us be their frontline in the spirit.  Also, let us cover all who have come home wounded that they and their families will receive the kindness, help and support they need to go forward in their lives.  God bless all our diplomatic and military personnel and their families.  Please pray for all in authority over us, for the full truth to come forth concerning Benghazi and for safety in Israel.  May God richly bless the United States of America and keep her safe.  May we may arise united in this auspicious season in our country’s history.

 Please Join Me In Prayer

Father I thank You that we can come boldly before You throne.  Walk before us and order our steps.  Line our heart up with Yours so we will hear Your voice and follow You.  Let Your will be done in each of our lives.  Help us to get out of the way and let You have Your way for Your glory on earth as it is in heaven.  Thank You for every blessing You bestow on us.  Give us a thankful heart that we may be a light shining in a darkened world.  Hear the prayers across the Nation for a healing of our United States of America.  Set us free from all that is not of You.  Thank You for You faithfulness and unending love for Your people.  We pray this in Jesus’ name.  Amen and amen.